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Warm ups

Warm ups

Warm ups
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Stretch Warm up

Stretch Warm up

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Cardio Warm up

Cardio Warm up

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Badge  Sheets 

This half of the Autumn term we were planning on working through the gymnasts proficiency badges. Unfortunately due to the lockdown we are unable to but we have put the badge sheets below so the children can work on them from home (if they have space to do so of course!). They can work on the skills and if they feel they can do the skill adequately, then film them and send it in to us so we can mark it off if completed well or we will give a little feedback to help to improve that skill. The Badges go from 8 up to 1, your child will most likely know what badge they are currently on, if they are unsure then send us an email at and we can check our records for you. If your child is a new starter then they will start on Badge 8. 


Lets not let this lockdown stop our children's physical activities!!

Badge 8.png
Badge 7.png
Badge 6.png
Badge 5.png
Badge 4.png
Badge 3.png
Badge 2.png
Badge 1.png
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